Allergy in Dogs - Canine Atopy - Atopy on Dogs - Dogs Atopy - Veterinarians Guide

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Allergy in Dogs - Canine Atopy - Atopy on Dogs - Dogs Atopy

Today we're going to talk about canine atopy .

نتيجØ© بحØ« اÙ„صور عÙ† â€ÂªAllergy in Dogs‬‏
What is atopy ?

Atopy is a skin condition that causes a dog to be very itchy.
The typical areas that we see them itchy are the feet ,the sides of their face and the sides of their bodies.
And it can cause itchiness in other places as well including the ears so if you have a dog with chronic ear problems then add up he may be part of the problem .

Causes Of Dog Atopy ?
what actually triggers the dog to be itchy ?

Atopy really is an allergy and what it means is the dog is allergic to things that it's breathing in or coming into contact with . 
These can be pollen ,grasses, molds, fibers ,cotton or wool all those items triggers these itchy conditions.

Treatment of Dog Atopy ?

 We can treat atopy in two ways and sometimes we have to use both :
First way : we can just treat the symptoms with antihistamines to decrease the itch or we're treating with steroids or cortisone type drugs to also treat the symptoms particular symptom of itchiness.
Second way : on the other hand we can try to get to the root of the problem and actually treat what's causing the allergy and you can do this in two ways one is with a drug court topic up which gets to the root of the problem and decreases the immune systems response to these pollens so it won't cause itchiness .

 That's how topic up works it does take a few months for this to kick in so don't be discouraged if your dogs being on a topic up for a couple of months without effect give it a couple months more three or four months before giving up.

 The other way to get to the root of allergy is to have a test done and their two ways to do this either a skin test or a serum test to test for the actual allergens that your dog is allergic to.
 You know the actual pollens, natural fibers, the actual components out there an environment that your dog is allergic to and you can do that as a skin test or a serm test from those two tests and one other this we do the same thing we essentially then make up a set of vaccines to for your dog to desensitize it against these allergens so your dog will have its own set of vaccines and that is what is truly called an allergy shot those allergy injections will be given daily at first than every other day and then taper down to usually about once a month after.

 You get about six months into it that way is probably the best way to go about it but does take time it may take four to six months before you see in effect meanwhile you have an itchy dog and that's where we get back to the first way the symptomatic treatment where we may be treating symptomatically while we're waiting for the results on these other tests and while we're waiting for these tests and their allergy kits that we make up for them to actually work on your dog but that gives you a basic idea of how we treat canine atopy or canine inhalant allergies.

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